Based on the novel by James Joyce, the Panorama Dance Theater wanted to “wander” through the experiences of Leopold Blum with dancers*, actors and a musician. The narrative style is understood as an inspiration for the development of secondary cosmos, in which other times and spaces open up.
James Joyce consistently adheres to the stream of consciousness, the “stream of consciousness” and thus achieves the greatest possible proximity to the characters in his novel. Words and sentences are incomplete and themes change abruptly in the middle of a sentence. The thoughts of several people overlap, street noises or snippets of thoughts briefly penetrate consciousness, and everything blurs into a single impression. Following this narrative style, we will tell not one, but a wealth of stories…


Director Ann Katrin Cooper
Choreography Ann Katrin Cooper und Tobias Spori
Producer pARTner
Dancers Aurora Bonetti, Giulia Tornarolli, Jarek Kruczek, Kay Kysela, Tobias Spori